Surya Namaskar Yajna (Yogathon)

About this Event
HSS is organizing its 12th annual 'Yoga for Health, Health for Humanity' Suryanamaskar Yajna event from January 14th -January 29th. Suryanamaskar or sun salutation is the quickest and perhaps the easiest way to perform multiple yog asanas (poses) in a short time. One round of Suryanamaskars has 10 asanas, 8 of them being unique and two repeated.
The goal is to bring awareness on the health benefits of yoga, with practicing Suryanamaskars regularly. We are pleased to invite you to a community event in Daley Park on January 29th.
Please do join us in performing the Suryanamaskars or Sun Salutations from 8:30am-10:30 am.
This event free and welcomes everyone regardless of age, sex, race or religious beliefs. If you are fit enough to do Yoga, please do attend.