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A new study says, trade the apple in “apple a day” rule with a beet, if you are concerned about the blood pressures. Easy and tasty way to include a beet in the daily diet is through smoothie with beets, which helps to keep blood pressures under control. Here are few simple and quick smoothie recipes with beets for high blood pressure.
Beet-Apple Smoothie
Medium banana peeled: 1
Large colored apple: 1
Fresh beet juice: 4 ounces
Blend ingredients until smooth and serve cold.
Beet-Berry Smoothie
Small beet root, peeled and chopped: 1
Frozen blueberries: ½ cup
Strawberries: 1 cup
Orange peeled and deseeded: 1 small
Almond milk: 8 ounces
Blend ingredients until smooth and serve cold.
Beet-Carrot Smoothie
Carrot peeled and sliced: 1
Beat peeled and sliced: 1
Red grapes: ½ cup
Peeled Clementine: 1
Peeled, sliced ginger: small piece
Green tea: ½ cup
Blend ingredients until smooth and serve cold.