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It is important for every woman and girl to know what to do during the periods time and what not to do at various stages. The subject was ignorant for many years and decades, now there is maximum scope coming but no medium is giving room to discuss on the healthy topic. Apart from women centric or feminist channels no other mode spending time and resources on this crucial subject.
It is suggested to be clean all the days, but more emphasis should given during the menstrual cycle, as the negligence can pay you a lot. The sanitary napkins, tampons, and menstrual cups should be used if and only if they are clean and uncontaminated. The discharge flow rate varies the performance of the material you use. If you neglect such simple reason, the possible problems may include urinary tract infection, vaginal infections and skin rashes.
And at the same some people go for too much cleaning of the internal areas of private parts like vagina. As per science the vagina has its own cleaning mechanism that works in a very fine balance of good and bad bacteria. Washing it with soap can kill the good bacteria making way for infections. Cleaning external area is important to avoid infections, allergies, and rashes. You can use simple warm water to clean, make sure keeping the area dry is important.
There was also a myth of not taking bathe during the menstrual periods, the reason could be non availability of indoor plumbing or bath room. In olden days people used to take bath in ponds, open areas and other unhygienic vicinities. It is suggested that taking bath with warm water and keeping areas dry and healthy is important.
If you are supposed or scheduled to go outdoors, carry safe and clean pads/ tampons extra with your luggage. Storing them in proper way can avoid contamination of such stuff. Try to be safe to avoid the problems of cervical cancer, vaginal infections, uterus abnormalities.