Tea is amongst the most preferred drinks around the world and the basic method of preparing tea hasn't changed a whole lot, each region seems to have its own way of adding more flavor to this drink. One of the most popular preparations known among these is lemon tea which has a popularity that has mainly to do with the easy availability of lemons around most parts of the world, and the many health benefits attached to it.
The bonding of the lemon with tea makes it a great energizing drink,that too for a perfect blend and the benefits of this concoction are many and varied. In fact, the comparison with soda or coffee, tea carries a lot more health benefits, and lemon is also known as nature's antiseptic.
As a matter of fact, Tea is a perfect way to get rid of any bad smell from your hands if we can simply pour some tea “mind it's not hot” on your hands, and then rinse with water.
Moreover, the methods of taking tea have evolved over many years, and different countries have developed their own preferences like Russia is one of the countries that absolutely loves lemon tea, and the origins of this can be traced back to the arrival of tea with fruits in it from China. The Chinese have since moved on to other variants of tea, but it stuck with the Russians.
When you squeeze a bit of lemon juice into your tea, you will immediately notice a drastic change in color. This effect is known as the bathochromic shift, and it makes the tea taste a lot better than before. Along with lemon juice, some other ingredients like ginger and honey can also be added to the mixture which would help improve the taste of the drink, and bring in their own characteristic benefits.
Benefits unlimited!
There are immense benefits of lemon tea, and most of these are centered around cleansing the human body systems. Lemon tea acts as a purifying agent, and helps resolve a lot of health problems that may arise.
Moreover, the best time to drink tea is in the morning, as soon as you wake up. Doing so, freshens you up for the rest of the day, and improves your metabolic rate considerably. Lemon tea makes for a great drink, 'cos it can be served hot on a freezing day, or it can make for the perfect ice-cooled drink to beat the heat. It can almost instantly transform your mood, and helps fight fatigue and stress.
Apart from these, there are some other well-known benefits of lemon tea when in clearing out the toxins in the blood. This in turn gets you to rid yourself of stress, and helps keep you active. In fact, it helps clean up the various body systems and clears up the skin, while also serves as a strong natural antioxidant, which helps to neutralize free radicals as it contains very rich Vitamin C, in fact it's said that the risk of cancer is lesser in an individual who regularly consumes lemon tea even though there is no much medical proof yet to justify the same but even if it's so there could be no surprise. Lemon tea also plays a stabilizing role in the digestive system of a person, and helps clear it out while also acts as an antiseptic and helps prevent various infections and illnesses.
A cup of lemon tea that has such a lot of advantages...what could it be called other than a wonder, and why can't it be the start of a day?
(Note: Content adapted from the buzzle.com)
(AW:Samrat Biswas)