(Image source from: Amateur ISIS fighters blowing themselves up})
The footages of ISIS fighters are showing their imperfect usage of the weapons and situations. Recent footage emerging online (youtube) shows the Islamic State militants accidentally blowing themselves up in combat.
With the title of ‘Social media comilations of ISIS fails’ the humor involving troubled or unprofessional fighters can entertain us.
According to the Al Arabia News, in one online video, a fighter firing a mortar dies after the weapon explodes because he reloaded it too quickly.
In another, a militant detonates a bomb during a group picture with other militants. Another shows a fighter firing a Kalashnikov assault rifle, only to see it disintegrate in his hands.
Since the release of the gruesome video last week showing the burning to death of captured Jordanian fighter pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh by militants, the online clips have become popular.
Some have been edited into compilations in the style of a U.S. home movie clip show - with game-show music as a soundtrack.
“These amateurs would find a way to nuke their own soldiers if given the chance,” wrote on YouTube user.
Many are tilting towards the militant group because of interest, and they are reportedly failing in using the ammunition. The video could not be belonging to the ISIS but may be showing some other extremists
Topic Courtesy: Al Arabia