Stolen 350-pound inflatable Chick-Fil-A cow returned to store owner!
September 13, 2016 16:06
The 350-pound inflatable cow, which was stolen from a valley Chick-Fil-A restaurant over the weekend, has been found by a tipster, who spotted the cow in someone's backyard.
According to the police, they showed up at the home and questioned the person living there. He said he bought it at a garage sale.
The cow, which is the only one of its kind in Arizona, has now been returned to the franchise owner and the tipster who found the cow is getting a pretty sweet reward free Chick-Fil-A for an entire year!
The FoxNews reported, the Arizona Chick-Fil-A owner offered free chicken sandwiches to whoever brings home a giant inflatable cow that was stolen after an Arizona State University Football game.
Phil Thomas, who owns a Tempe, Arizona Chick-Fil-A restaurant, “Saturday night after the ASU football game, we took down our 24-foot inflatable Chick-Fil-A cow that says ‘Eat More Chicken’ and stowed it my truck for a few hours until we could get over to the storage unit.”
The cow weighs 350 pounds and carries the sandwich chain’s signature slogan “Eat Mor Chikin.”
“This is the only 24-foot inflatable cow in the state of Arizona, so we're definitely down,” Thomas said. “It takes a team of us to get this thing up and tied down. It also takes a team of us to take it down and roll it back up and put it in the back of the Chick-Fil-A truck,” he added.
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