(Image source from: twitter.com)
October 1st is marked as International coffee day globally. Coffee beans have been long enough to undergo a transition from simply grounding the beans and mixing with either water to milk, to making cappuccinos or opening up a Starbucks. Different countries have their own versions of Coffee. This delightful drink is can be used for a variety of purposes. Whether you need to relax or gain instant energy, whether you’re in an office or at a friends place- coffee is the instant answer.
Coffee brings people together, friendships, relationships and even proverbial catch-ups.
Historically, Coffee and condiments or spices have been the most popularly traded in items all over the world. Especially in India. The first variety of Coffee was introduced in the Karnataka hills around 1670. Today, the north regions such as Darjeeling province and the Araku valleys are known for their popular coffee plantations.
Coffee has its positive health attributes as well. Not only can your daily cup help you feel more energized but coffee also help burn fat, improve physical performance and lowers risks of diabetes, Cancer and parkinson’s disease. Coffee is known to boost longevity for a short time and on the long run. Coffee is also good for your skin. It re-nourishes and regenerates your skin cells causing unnecessary oils to leave your face leaving fresh skin.
From businessmen to farmers to athletes to entertainers and actors to even astronauts in space, everyone loves to drink coffee. Celebrate world coffee day with a cup of coffee in your hand and a smile on your face.
By Meena Atmakuri