A student advocacy group is suing the Arizona Board of Regents, saying the board violated the group’s First Amendment right to free speech.
The Arizona Students’ Association says the regents suspended the group’s funding “in retaliation” for supporting Proposition 204. The failed November ballot measure would have permanently extended the 1-cent-per-dollar education sales-tax increase that expires May 31. Some of the money would have gone to the state universities for student financial aid.
“We feel that students were wronged,” said Brianna Pantilione, a board member of the student group. “It’s really sad that students advocated for something that would be in the best interest of all university students, and we’re getting punished for doing good work.”
Regents spokeswoman Sarah Harper said the regents had not been served with a copy of the lawsuit and could not comment. The regents oversee the three state universities: Arizona State University, University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University.
The non-profit student group advocates on behalf of university students at the Arizona Legislature and organizes voting-registration drives. For years, the group was funded through a $2-per-semester fee automatically charged to each student’s tuition bill. Students could request a refund of the fee, although some students contend that fact wasn’t widely known.
Controversy over the fee began last year when the group gave $122,000 to support the Yes on Proposition 204 campaign. Student leaders at ASU complained to the regents, who began reviewing the issue. The regents voted to suspend fee collection for the spring semester. Last week, the regents voted to have students “opt in” to paying the fee instead of incurring an automatic charge.
The fee is the group’s only source of funding, bringing in about $600,000 a year. Changing the method of collection will have a dramatic effect on the budget, the group contends.
After last week’s vote, Regents Chairman Rick Myers said the regents reviewed the fee because some students complained.
“I don’t think the regents would have moved forward without the students,” he said.
Myers said the change represented a compromise. Students can still contribute, but the opt-in provision makes it clear they have a choice.
The lawsuit asks a judge to prohibit the regents from changing the way fees are collected.