All are invited to Swathi Ramkumar's Bharatanatyam RangaPravesham by her parents Priyamvadha and Ramkumar. Swathi Ramkumar is the disciple of Srimathy Mohan. The program is scheduled to happen on 14 February 2016 at Piper Theater, MESA Arts Center in Arizona.
Bharathanatyam is an Indian classical dance form. It originated in the temples of Tamil Nadu. Bharathanatyam which was described in the treatise Natya Shastra by Bharata, is known for its elegance, grace, tenderness, purity, expression and sculpturesque poses. In his Nataraja form, Lord Shiva is considered as the God of this dance. It is one of the most popular as well as widely performed dance styles today.
Event details
Name: Swathi Ramkumar's Bharatanatyam RangaPravesham - Silambam Phoenix
Date: Sunday, 14 February 2016
Venue: Piper Theater, MESA Arts Center, 1 East Main Street, Mesa, Arizona 85211
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