Look beautiful by natural waysFashion & Beauty

November 05, 2014 17:18
Look beautiful by natural ways},{Look beautiful by natural ways

(Image source from: Look beautiful by natural ways})

By some daily practise in our daily life witout going beauty products you can gain natural beautiness instead trying for artificial beauty.

More of using natural cleanser which dont allow to strip the skin cells and make them appear dry and ruddy.

Regularly wash your face in the marning and night before going to bed,which will help your skin to look more radiant and fight off acne.

To make your brows under control dont pluck them to much only tweeze brow hair that isn’t in alignment with your actual eyebrowslike way below or way above them.

Vasseline is the best beauty savior,its touch is enough on marks instead of using Masacara. It is most advidsed product than using cleansor.

Coconut oil can be used as lip guard where as it good if you want remove sticy makeup.it is best than commercial lip balm that contain chemical which can dry up your lips,coconut oil helps to remove dryness and cracks on your lips.

Use the right moisturizer to be avoid your face from becoming oily,The moisturizer should go on easily, not cause you to break out, and I am sure you will find good results after practisng the mentioned in your daily life for simple beauty which will look amazing .defintly you will enjoy.

Aw: Arun kumar

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