Weird Pregnancy CravingsHealthy Living

October 15, 2013 17:10
Weird Pregnancy Cravings},{Weird Pregnancy Cravings

(Image source from: Weird Pregnancy Cravings})

Think 'sweet', 'sour', 'spicy' are the only things expecting mothers' taste buds crave for? If so, then  you cannot be more off the mark. Beside the normal pizza and chocolate craving, if a pregnant woman craves for a piece of chalk or a bar of soap, don't be befuddled. “As a woman’s body moves through various hormonal changes and becomes deficient in certain nutrients, she craves for some usual and some most unlikely things.” We bring you a list of four things pregnant women yearn for.

“Most of us have had given in or resisted the temptations of tasting a chalk as kids, but this one can come back for the pregnant women, “ writes Bollywood Pregnant women do yearn for chalk and even talcum powder. This is a clear sign of nutritional deficiency. Seek medical help.

One of the little heard of yet one of the most common pregnancy cravings is soil. Hard to believe? Ask Britney Spears. Even the pop diva confessed to eating soil when she was pregnant the second time. While most people don;t easily give into the craving, it's believed that having soil can ease off your morning sickness greatly.

If your wife has been continuously pestering you to have the baby's room painted, chances are that she is craving to eat or smell paint. Apparently, pregnant women love the smell of paint, and at times deeply feel the urge to lick off some off the freshly painted walls. However, it's best not to give into these kind of cravings as they can prove to be fatal for the fetus.

This one's really gross. Expecting mothers are believe to crave for coal — whether smell it or eat it.
If you are craving for coal, you must have a lot of minerals and nutrient rich food, especially iron rich food.

AW: Suchorita Dutta Choudhury

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