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Some love to sleep during the daytime and feels uncomfortable with night sleeping. A new study says sleeping daytime is good for improving memory for middle aged people.
"As people grow older, they wake up more at night and have less deep sleep and dream sleep - both of which are important for overall brain functioning," said Michael K Scullin, director of Baylor University's sleep neuroscience and cognition laboratory.
If a person lives 85 years, he or she may sleep nearly 250,000 hours - more than 10,000 full days.
"People sometimes disparage sleep as 'lost' time. But sleeping well is linked to better mental health, improved cardiovascular health and fewer, less severe disorders and diseases of many kinds," Scullin noted.
The researchers categorized groups on the basis of age Participants aged 18 to 29 as young; aged 30 to 60 as middle-aged; and older than 60 as old.
For this study researchers reviewed literature and reports from 1967 including more than approximately 200 studies measuring sleep and mental functioning. During the Participants were asked how many hours they typically sleep/ slept, how long it took them to go to sleep, how often they woke up in the middle of the night and how sleepy they felt during the day.
The research also correlated results from numerous brain-wave studies and experiments which concentrate on sleep deprivation, napping and sleep intervention such as sleep medications.
The article appeared in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science.