It is time to discuss about and deal with a long biological phase of woman’s life called menopause. It should no more remain under-discussed as it is a stage which lasts for 25 to 30 years in a female’s life, given the current average life span.
Most women just learn to live with menopause all through the life without actually dealing with it. But it is important to pay attention to the changes happening in your body with menopause to avoid serious health complications like uterus cancer and breast cancer. Understand the need for planing and preparing your body well ahead of the menopause to combat with the ill-effects associated with it.
Dr. Jay Mehta (Obstetrician & Gynaecologist) MBBS, DNB In-house says, "Menopause is a phase which lasts for about 25-30 years considering the current lifespan of most of the women. That's a very long period of time and the women need to stay fit and healthy throughout that phase."
Plan for a smooth transition to menopause. Start preparing yourself for a healthy future from your late thirties. Here is what you can do.
Exercise regularly. Good heart health is essential to have a good health during menopause.
Lifting exercises and yoga help in building bone strength and avoiding osteoporosis.
Practice brisk walking, yoga, etc.
Take a high protein diet in the pre-menopause stage. Proteins help in growth, repair and maintenance of skeletal muscle.
Protein rich food aids in fighting hormonal changes.
Include vitamin - D in your diet to maintain good bone health.
Do not ignore slightest of symptom to avoid facing deadly symptoms of menopause.
- Sumana