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You may find it a bad idea as a parent to let your kid make mistakes. But it is essential for your kid to learn what is it to fail, as much as it is important to learn what and how is it to succeed.
It is true that we learn from our mistakes and is applicable even to your kids. You are sending a message to your kid that you are always there to support him even during his failures, by allowing him to make mistakes. In the process of making mistakes, kids learn about themselves. Here, it is important that you teach them how to make mistakes and learn from mistakes.
Let your kid do her own thing
Allow your kid to do her own things. Let her have the satisfaction of having her own vision, be it a science experiment, home work or just a simple drawing. You may just give your kid some useful tips. After completion, you may give some suggestions that could be helpful for next time.
Just monitor don’t help
Make sure your child finishes home work. But do not make corrections as her teacher wants to know the knowledge of your child. Teach your kid just the skill not all work. Play the role of a guide. Let her figure out the right answer. Help your child learn how to learn.
Don’t immediately go for rescue
Do not jump for a rescue immediately to your kid. Let your kid emerge as a problem solver. You will not know what she can do unless you let her do. You will be left with a surprise to see how the small brain works in the situation of an emergency. It remains as a memorable moment.
It’s OK to lose a game
It is easy for you to lose a chess game or caroms to allow your child to win but it is not good for your kid. See to it your child earns her win, which is a real win. In fact, by losing a game, your kid will strengthen strategies and learn from others.