Search Results On asia pacific region

asia pacific region

  • Obama in India, US with Asia Pacific region, us describes obama s india visit as historic ahead of abe s arrival, Asia pacific region

    US describes Obama’s India Visit as Historic ahead of Abe’s arrival! 2015-04-25 07:19:25

    US Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes described the President Obama's visit to India during India’s Republic Day celebrations as historic in deepening their ties with India in the Asia Pacific region. "President Obama had a good trip to India...

    Keywords: Obama in India, US with Asia Pacific region, Shinzo Abe visit to US, Shinzo Abe at White House

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    Sanitation in India, Mobile base in India, more mobiles than toilets boon or a bane, Asia pacific region

    More Mobiles than toilets: boon or a bane? 2012-03-14 04:40:31

    This article flashed across the internet gave a jolt to the average Indian, and put us all in the perplexity mind set… are we developed or nowhere near it.. Where are we heeding? Even where there is no toilet, you...

    Keywords: Sanitation in India, hot Indian buzz, More Mobiles than Toilets, Sanitation in India

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    India and South Asia head Umang Bedi, India and South Asia head Umang Bedi, emerging markets india in the lead facebook, Asia pacific region

    Emerging markets, India in the lead - Facebook 2016-11-24 06:50:50

    “We (India) are leading the charter for the emerging markets for Facebook. We are part of Asia Pacific, which is the fastest growing region in the world in terms of Facebook revenue and India is a strategic focus within the...

    Keywords: India and South Asia head Umang Bedi, India, India, emerging market

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