Search Results On bacterial infection (Page 1 of 4)

bacterial infection (Page 1 of 4)

  • Ayurvedic Immune Boosters, Ayurvedic Immune Boosters articles, six ayurvedic immune boosters for kids, Bacterial infection

    Six Ayurvedic Immune Boosters for Kids 2024-01-23 07:25:03

    A strong immune system is crucial for the overall health and well-being of babies and toddlers. Ayurveda offers natural and gentle ways to enhance their immunity. Here are some Ayurvedic herbs that can effectively support a baby's immune system: 1....

    Keywords: Ayurvedic Immune Boosters articles, Ayurvedic Immune Boosters, Ayurvedic Immune Boosters tips, Ayurvedic Immune Boosters children

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    Zaynich made in India, Zaynich price, new antibiotic from india is 97 effective against infections, Bacterial infection

    New antibiotic from India is 97% effective against infections 2025-01-16 07:43:58

    A new experimental antibiotic called Zaynich is causing a stir in clinical trials. The drug, developed by Mumbai-based pharmaceutical giant Wockhardt, was recently found to be 97 percent effective against drug-resistant infections, showing its potential in tackling a silent epidemic:...

    Keywords: Zaynich, Zaynich India, Zaynich, Zaynich specifications

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    China pneumonia breaking, China pneumonia cases, china sees mysterious pneumonia outbreak, Bacterial infection

    China sees mysterious pneumonia outbreak 2023-11-23 07:29:23

    China, still grappling with the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, finds itself facing another potential health crisis. A mysterious outbreak of pneumonia has swept through schools, overwhelming hospitals with sick children and raising alarm bells among global health experts. The...

    Keywords: China pneumonia, China pneumonia cause, China pneumonia symptoms, China pneumonia cases

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    Garlic rich in, Garlic health benefits new breaking, health benefits of eating garlic, Bacterial infection

    Health benefits of eating Garlic 2024-10-04 07:38:50

    Garlic is a common ingredient that is widely used in every home cuisine in the country. It is used for cooking various foods. Garlic is an essential ingredient for preparing non-vegetarian foods. It not only enhances the aroma of the...

    Keywords: Garlic rich in, Garlic health benefits news, Garlic health benefits tips, Garlic health benefits tips

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    Ayurvedic Eye Care for Children tips, Ayurvedic Eye Care for Children latest, ayurvedic eye care for children during monsoon, Bacterial infection

    Ayurvedic Eye Care for Children during Monsoon 2024-08-07 07:52:30

    The monsoon season brings heightened risks to children's eye health due to increased humidity and the spread of waterborne infections. This period demands extra vigilance to safeguard young eyes from common infections. Ayurvedic medicine, rooted in ancient Indian traditions, offers...

    Keywords: Ayurvedic Eye Care for Children tips, Ayurvedic Eye Care for Children medication, Ayurvedic Eye Care for Children latest, Ayurvedic Eye Care for Children

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    best Footwear for Monsoon options, best Footwear for Monsoon options, tips for best footwear during monsoon, Bacterial infection

    Tips for best Footwear during Monsoon 2024-06-14 09:11:17

    Monsoon season is upon us and it's time to wear waterproof shoes. The mantra for a perfect monsoon shoe is “easy to wear and easy to dry”. Waterproof shoes ensure comfort even in the monsoon season. That's why choosing the...

    Keywords: best Footwear for Monsoon latest, best Footwear for Monsoon latest, best Footwear for Monsoon tips, best Footwear for Monsoon options

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