Search Results On bmi scale

bmi scale

  • TV and obesity, obesity I kids, is too much tv making your kid fat, Bmi scale

    Is too much TV making your kid fat? 2013-11-27 11:18:38

    Dear Parents, please know that the television is no benign babysitter! The more time your child spends in front of the television, the more are his/her chances of growing obese in the future. Yes, it's true! Extra screen time for...

    Keywords: Is too much TV making your kid fat, calories and obesity, BMI scale, obesity I kids

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    Is too much TV making your kid fat, Is too much TV making your kid fat, too much of tv can make your child obese, Bmi scale

    Too much of TV can make your child obese 2013-11-27 11:24:21

    Dear Parents, please know that the television is no benign babysitter! The more time your child spends in front of the television, the more are his/her chances of growing obese in the future. Yes, it's true! Extra screen time for...

    Keywords: Is too much TV making your kid fat, screen time, obesity I kids, Is too much TV making your kid fat

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    Your new health foe, heart disease, your new health foe, Bmi scale

    Your new health foe 2013-08-30 10:23:16

    Forget the good and the bad cholesterol! Meet the new health foe — ugly cholesterol. Never mind if your BMI scale doesn't tip towards overweight or you don't have any apparent health problems, you still have a reason to worry...

    Keywords: Your new health foe, Your new health foe, ugly cholesterol, ugly cholesterol

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