7 Arizonans on Forbes list of richest Americans! 2016-10-05 13:19:31
Seven Arizonans have been named in the Forbes' 2016 list of richest Americans, the same number as last year. Bruce Halle, founder of Discount Tire, leads the Arizona contingent, as he has for the past seven years, with an estimated...
Keywords: 7 Arizonans on Forbes list, Forbes' 2016 list of richest Americans, 7 Arizonans on Forbes list, Forbes' 2016 list of richest Americans
Read MoreTo Draw Film Makers to Arizona, Bob Parsons pledges more than $300K 2017-08-14 06:02:40
The Arizona office of Film and Digital Media is working to make the state leader in media production. Arizona is filled with many Picturesque sights, worthy of Hollywood films.The Arizona office of film and digital media is teaming up with...
Keywords: bob parsons, bob parsons, pledges $300, bob parsons
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