Search Results On cactus middle school

cactus middle school

  • Mayor John Suthers, Don't legalize marijuana in Arizona, don t legalize marijuana in arizona urged colorado mayor, Cactus middle school

    Don’t legalize marijuana in Arizona, urged Colorado mayor 2016-09-23 10:19:28

    A Colorado mayor and law officer urged Arizona voters to oppose Proposition 205, citing making marijuana legal would threaten Arizonans’ safety. More children are using drugs in Colorado since recreational marijuana was legalized four years before, Colorado Springs Mayor John...

    Keywords: Proposition 205 Arizona, Colorado mayor, Don't legalize marijuana in Arizona, Mayor John Suthers

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    social media threats, social media threats, 10 phoenix high schools received social media threats, Cactus middle school

    10 Phoenix high schools received Social-media threats! 2016-09-27 12:48:41

    The social media threats were made against 10 Phoenix-area high schools. The authorities had been working with police to investigate the recurring online threats. According to the officials, the threats were not affected classes at any of the schools. Although, the threats do...

    Keywords: Arizona schools, 10 Phoenix-area high schools, Arizona schools, social media threats

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    seventh grader student, seventh grader student, 13 year old brings gun to cactus middle school in casa grande, Cactus middle school

    13-year-old brings gun to Cactus Middle School in Casa Grande! 2016-09-22 12:03:20

    A seventh grader student was released to his parents after bringing an unloaded handgun to Cactus Middle School in the Casa Grande Elementary School District. Principal Kendra Tate says the gun was not loaded, but ammunition was found. According to a...

    Keywords: seventh grader student, seventh grader student, seventh grader student, 13-year-old brings gun to school

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