Search Results On capgemini


  • Indian-origin Executives, Indian-origin, capgemini top deck reshuffle impacts indian origin executives, Capgemini

    Capgemini Top Deck Reshuffle Impacts Indian-origin Executives 2018-06-13 06:36:00

    Capgemini has through with a top-deck reshuffle that has impacted some Indian-origin executives.Capgemini, a French multinational company is headquartered in Paris, France and serves worldwide.Aruna Jayanthi, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of business services, will be the head of the Asia...

    Keywords: Capgemini, Indian-origin, Indian-origin, Top Deck Reshuffle

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    iGATE revenue and staff, Indians in iGATE, capgemini to acquire igate with 4 billion at 48 per share, Capgemini

    Capgemini to acquire iGATE with $4 billion at $48 per share 2015-04-28 05:46:32

    The France-based IT services major Capgemini has announced the acquisition of New Jersey (US) based iGATE at a price of $48 per share, means total deal would stand at $4 billion. If the deal gets confirmed, Capgemini will be having...

    Keywords: iGATE revenue and staff, iGATE revenue and staff, iGATE revenue and staff, Indians in iGATE

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    Google Employees working hours weekly, Google Employees breaking, will google employees work 60 hours per week, Capgemini

    Will Google Employees Work 60 Hours per Week? 2025-03-05 15:40:57

    Sergey Brin, one of the co-founders of Google, communicated through a memo to his team engaged in developing the Gemini AI models. He urged them to commit a minimum of 60 hours weekly and to be present in the office...

    Keywords: Google Employees breaking, Google Employees latest breaking, Google Employees, Google Employees latest

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    United States, Foreign Labor Certification, indian firm tcs gets foreign labor certification for h 1b visas, Capgemini

    Indian Firm TCS Gets Foreign Labor Certification for H-1B Visas 2018-10-23 07:09:09

    Indian Information Technology Company Tata Consultancy Services is the only Indian company among top 10 companies to get foreign labor certification for the H-1B visas for the fiscal year 2018, according to data from the United States Department of Labour.The...

    Keywords: certification, H1B visa, immigration, immigration

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