Search Results On centenarians


  • tips for longevity, Staying Away from Men, 109 yr old woman reveals secret to long life staying away from men, Centenarians

    109-Yr-Old Woman Reveals Secret to Long Life: Staying Away from Men 2019-01-17 08:57:02

    Have you ever wondered about how a person can survive so long? Many people like to debate mysteries for longevity, typically putting a stop to smoking, alcohol, etc… but there is the unique reason you might have not ever thought...

    Keywords: tips for long life, baby face 43 year woman reveals secret, long life, avoiding men tip for long life

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    world’s oldest person, Japan’s oldest person, world s oldest person s birthday celebrated, Centenarians

    World’s oldest person’s birthday celebrated 2015-03-05 10:23:12

    Misao Okawa, the daughter of a kimono maker celebrated her 117th birthday on 4th March, 2015. With her 117th birthday, she has become world’s oldest person. Misao Okawa said 117 years doesn’t seem like such a long time. "It seemed...

    Keywords: Misao Okawa celebrates her birthday, Japan’s oldest person, Misao Okawa celebrates her birthday, Misao Okawa celebrates her birthday

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