Short men win in longevity race 2014-10-09 10:34:00
Tall men take it all, is an oft repeated phrase. They get the best girls to take out for a date, they get a job more easily, they are winners in most sports and even in politics the tall ones...
Keywords: health news, mortality and height relationship, height and life span, FOXO3 gene mortality
Read More2015 Nobel Prize For Chemistry Declared 2015-10-07 12:15:26
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the year 2015 is awarded jointly to Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich and Aziz Sancar "for mechanistic studies of DNA repair". Mr. Lindahl is from the Francis Crick Institute. "He demonstrated that DNA decays at...
Keywords: Paul Modrich, Nobel prize for chemistry, 2015 Nobel prize, Nobel prize for chemistry
Read MoreCan Poor Nutrition keep Children at Risk of Cancer? 2025-03-07 15:28:17
Malnutrition poses a significant threat to the health of children, leading to severe repercussions. Due to their greater requirements for growth and development, as well as their faster metabolic processes, children are particularly susceptible to nutritional deficiencies compared to adults....
Keywords: Poor Nutrition in Children Vs Cancer latest, Poor Nutrition in kids, Poor Nutrition in Children, Poor Nutrition in Children
Read MoreAre You a Night Worker? Then You Could Be Susceptible to Various Diseases 2019-01-31 12:02:18
In case you are working in night shifts, then you could be vulnerable to many diseases, including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, neurological, pulmonary illness and damage to the structure of the human DNA, warns a study. The DNA repair gene expression...
Keywords: night shifts, night shift pay rate, DNA, night worker
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