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facebook community

  • Arizona Mother, Arizona mother asks Facebook to Punish her daughter, arizona mother takes facebook to punish her daughter, Facebook community

    Arizona Mother takes Facebook to punish her daughter 2017-05-25 12:04:38

    Kids are wonderful, they are small, cute, and not to mention, mischievous. Controlling them can be a big pain in the head sometimes, especially when they are at school. Our children can make us visit again to principal offices, reminding...

    Keywords: Arizona Mother, Arizona mother asks Facebook to Punish her daughter, Arizona news, Arizona news

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    tribal youths, Madhya Pradesh, it s facebook panchayat, Facebook community

    It's Facebook panchayat! 2013-05-11 11:04:00

    Even-though they faced injustice while they also gained aspirations, but could'nt raise their voice. Therefore, a group of educated tribal youths from Madhya Pradesh have taken a decision to take matters of the community into their own hands, and made...

    Keywords: tribal youths, panchayat is in Facebook also, injustice, Gujarat

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