Search Results On fungal infection (Page 1 of 2)

fungal infection (Page 1 of 2)

  • Covaxin teens, Covaxin teens, covaxin infected 50 percent of the teens, Fungal infection

    Covaxin infected 50 percent of the Teens 2024-05-24 07:51:56

    A study conducted by Upinder Kaur and her team of 11 researchers from Banaras Hindu University has revealed that almost half of the adolescents who received Bharat Biotech's Covaxin vaccine reported infections, primarily upper respiratory tract infections, within a year...

    Keywords: Covaxin impact on teens, Covaxin new breaking, Covaxin breaking, Covaxin impact

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    Black Mucus latest breaking, Black Mucus lung cancer, what is the reason for black mucus, Fungal infection

    What is the reason for Black Mucus? 2024-08-08 08:57:19

    Coughing up black mucus or phlegm can be a serious sign of an underlying medical condition. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr. Vidit Kapur, Assistant Professor of Medical Oncology at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Faridabad: “Black mucus can...

    Keywords: Black Mucus latest, Black Mucus lung cancer, Black Mucus news, Black Mucus lung cancer

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    smooth hair, smooth hair, goodness of oiling hair on regular basis, Fungal infection

    Goodness of oiling hair on regular basis 2016-03-21 04:33:30

    Most of us forgot or do not recognize the goodness of oiling hair on regular basis. It is essential to know that special oil maalish actually helps in maintaining healthy hair in the long run. Super benefits of oiling hair...

    Keywords: smooth hair, smooth hair, oiling hair, smooth hair

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    Footcare tips health, Footcare tips news, footcare tips to keep them pretty, Fungal infection

    Footcare tips to keep them Pretty 2024-05-24 05:15:06

    While most of us place a lot of emphasis on caring for our face, hair and even hands, foot care is often neglected. Good foot care is an indicator of general health habits, but also important for our overall health....

    Keywords: Footcare tips news, Footcare tips breaking, Footcare tips, Footcare tips articles

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    Scabies experts, Scabies Monsoon health, how to protect your skin in monsoon season, Fungal infection

    How to protect your skin in Monsoon season? 2024-07-16 14:59:42

    The monsoon season can be difficult for people prone to infections and allergies. This is the time of year when people get sick due to the rapidly changing weather conditions. High humidity provides a suitable environment for bacteria and fungi...

    Keywords: Skin allergies in monsoon, Scabies breaking, Scabies articles, Scabies

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    Monsoon Infections updates, Monsoon Infections and medication, tips to reduce risk of monsoon infections, Fungal infection

    Tips to Reduce Risk of Monsoon Infections 2024-08-23 10:01:28

    Monsoon rains bring a rise in various infections due to increased moisture, stagnant water, and more disease-carrying insects like mosquitoes. Common monsoon illnesses include dengue, malaria, and typhoid. To safeguard your well-being, it's crucial to take preventive actions. Here are...

    Keywords: Monsoon Infections and medication, Monsoon Infections new breaking, Monsoon Infections news, Monsoon Infections updates

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