6 Ways to Stay Sick-Free 2011-12-21 13:21:57
From germs on planes (which are only slightly better than snakes on planes) to overwhelming to-do lists, the holidays can be hard on your health. Barb Dehn, RN, a women's health nurse practitioner in Silicon Valley, Calif., weighed in on...
Keywords: holiday parties, six ways to stay healthy, overwhelming, Stress busters tips
Read More190 people diagnosed with HIV in Indiana 2016-04-11 13:08:12
Many people in Austin had viewed HIV as a big-city disease, something that might afflict people in San Francisco or New York. Austin is a small city of about 4,000 people 40 miles north of Louisville, Ky. In February 2015,...
Keywords: Indiana, federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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