Search Results On jeff weninger

jeff weninger

  • Arizona news, Arizona bitcoin tax bill, a big vote of confidence arizona s bitcoin tax bill, Jeff weninger

    A Big Vote of Confidence Arizona’s Bitcoin Tax Bill 2018-03-09 10:28:43

    A committee in the Arizona House of Representatives has suggested the password of bill which allows the state residents to be able to pay the tax bills in Bitcoin.The public record tells about the House’s Ways and Means Committee advanced...

    Keywords: Arizona news, Arizona tax bill, Arizona tax bill, Arizona tax bill

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    bill cancelled to raise minimum age for tobacco purchase, Lawmakers withdraws bill to raise tobacco purchase age, lawmakers withdraws bill to raise tobacco purchase age, Jeff weninger

    Lawmakers withdraws bill to raise tobacco purchase age 2017-02-13 08:03:02

    After its successful first outing, bill 2335 proposed to raise the sale of tobacco to age 21 from 18 dies over concerns about limiting young adults' freedom of choice. A House bill was proposed to raise the minimum age for tobacco...

    Keywords: Arizona news, bill cancelled to raise minimum age for tobacco purchase, Arizona news, Arizona news

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    Lawmakers proposal to push private cabs, Lawmakers proposal to push private cabs, arizona lawmaker proposes bill to push private cab services, Jeff weninger

    Arizona Lawmaker proposes bill to push private cab services 2017-02-14 06:56:46

    Arizona lawmaker ‘Jeff Weninger’ has introduced a legislation requiring the state to cut its vehicle fleet by 20 percent and to launch a program that could use private cab services like Uber or Lyft or other companies to provide transportation...

    Keywords: Arizona lawmakers push Uber instead of state vehicles, Arizona Lawmaker proposes bill to push private cab services, Arizona news, Arizona bill to push private cab services

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