Search Results On mike lettman

mike lettman

  • lawmakers received Russian password in Arizona, Arizon hacking issue, arizona lawmakers hacked got message in russian, Mike lettman

    Arizona lawmakers hacked, got message in Russian! 2017-01-09 11:54:18

    Arizona lawmakers have got hacked this week. And when they just clicked the link to change their password, a screen with Russian writing had been popped up. Arizona Chief Information Security Officer Mike Lettman has sent an email to legislative...

    Keywords: Arizon hacking issue, lawmakers received Russian password in Arizona, lawmakers received Russian password in Arizona, Arizon hacking issue

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    No Russian Hacking: Arizona Officials, Russian Hacking In Arizona, no russian hacking arizona officials, Mike lettman

    No Russian Hacking: Arizona Officials 2017-01-10 09:21:57

    According to the initial analysis made by the state officials, Arizona lawmakers did not appear to have been hacked by Russians hackers. The state shut down their servers which gave an external access to its human resources and payroll systems...

    Keywords: Mike Lettman, No Russian Hacking: Arizona Officials, Arizona, Mike Lettman

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