Less Sleep Increase Risk Of Obesity? 2017-04-12 10:40:19
A study conducted at the Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia showed that the people who sleep less tend to weigh heavier than those who sleep more. A clinical investigation, which included thousand subjects, reported that “total sleep time...
Keywords: Sleeping Less Increase Risk Of Obesity, Sleeping Less Increase Risk Of Obesity, Less Sleep Increase Risk Of Obesity, Risk of obesity increase with less sleep
Read MoreWhy Protein is an important part of your healthy diet? 2020-09-15 13:15:13
Proteins are made up of amino acids and your body needs 20 types of amino acids to perform various jobs.Protein intake is crucial to health and it is not naturally available in your body which means you need to consume...
Keywords: cells, protein, tissues, protein rich foods
Read MoreSkin Serum, the new wonder! 2013-08-28 11:21:41
Obsessed with glowing skin? Dig for a dewy, flawless, illuminated complexion? Always curious about the beauty goodies that are flying off the shelves? If yes, then you have to get this one. If you desire spa-worthy soft and sexy skin...
Keywords: the new wonder, Skin Serum, Skin Serum, the new wonder
Read MoreCancer Can Be Complete Curable, Claims Israeli Scientists 2019-01-31 11:40:50
It is ultimately the time to do away with the stance that cancer is incurable because a group of Israeli scientists claims they have found the cure for the disease. “We believe we will offer in a year’s time a...
Keywords: easiest cancers to cure, stages of cancer, good kind of cancer, Cancer
Read MoreThis Green Veggie Treats Alcohol, Mood Disorders 2019-01-05 09:48:43
Are you dealing with alcohol use, chronic pain, and mood disorders? In that case, this green veggie would help you out to alleviate. A large protein found in spinach may help in the development of new medications for millions around...
Keywords: veggie, mood disorder test, treatment for mood disorder, spinach benefits for health
Read MoreSouth Indian Frog Mucus Kills Flu Virus 2017-04-20 06:47:36
Have you ever thought, that frog mucus can kill flu virus..? A research shows that a component of the skin mucus secreted by the South Indian frogs has the ability to kill H1 variety of influenza viruses, researchers from the...
Keywords: South Indian Frog Mucus Kills H1 Flu Virus, South Indian Frog Mucus Kills H1 Influenza Virus, South Indian Frog Mucus Kills H1 Flu Virus, Frog Mucus Kills Flu Virus
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