Pregnant Women Need 50,000 Dietary Calories To Carry A Child 2024-05-27 14:25:18
Have you ever considered the amount of energy required by a woman during pregnancy? A recent research study has revealed fascinating information about the energy requirements of pregnant women. According to Australian scientists, a pregnant woman needs around 50,000 nutritional...
Keywords: Pregnant Women articles, Pregnant Women new updates, Pregnant Women new updates, Pregnant Women specialists
Read MoreSpaniard dies after winning beer drinking game 2013-07-22 11:48:19
A 45-year-old man called Joaquin Alcaraz Gracia died after guzzling several pints of beer during a drinking contest in Gea y Truyols district of Murcia in Spain. The Spaniard, who claimed the title of beer-drinking champ, died soon after he...
Keywords: Joaquín Alcaraz Gracia, Beer Drinking Contest Death, Joaquín Alcaraz Gracia, Man Dies Drinking Beer
Read MoreI'll drink to that! 2013-05-27 06:07:45
Two men are sitting next to each other in an Irish-style pub in New York City. They both order pints of Guinness. One of them turns to the other and says "So where are you from, then?" "I'm from Ireland."...
Keywords: Ireland, Irish-style pub, pints of Guinness, pints of Guinness
Read MoreAre the models wearing only milk? 2013-10-19 11:42:16
If there was ever a Nobel given for creative photography, photographer Jaroslav Wieczorkiewiz would have given all other contestants a run for milk oops! money, we mean, for his “milky pin-ups”. Meet the Polish born London based photographer whose fluid...
Keywords: Jaroslav Wieczorkiewiz, Are the models wearing only milk, models wearing milk, Are the models wearing only milk
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