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  • Mr, Universal City Studios, tollywood singns mou with mpaa, Pirated content

    Tollywood singns MOU With MPAA 2012-03-24 12:57:04

    In its defence against pirated content, India's second largest film industry Tollywood has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), Mr. Mike Robinson. The MoU envisages waging a joint war against video piracy, apart...

    Keywords: Pirated content, Protecting content, MPAA, APFCC's MOU

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    Attarintiki Daredi second teaser, Attarintiki Daredi second teaser, attarintiki daredi second teaser unveiled, Pirated content

    Attarintiki Daredi second teaser unveiled 2013-09-25 06:00:13

    Powerstar Pawan Kalyan's Attarintiki Daredi has a strong hype thanks to its first teaser. The second teaser, released recently, also packs a punch. Despite leaked pirated content making the rounds, the movie tickets are selling like hot cakes. Check out...

    Keywords: Attarintiki Daredi openings., Attarintiki Daredi advance booking, Attarintiki Daredi openings., Attarintiki Daredi second teaser unveiled

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