Search Results On pneumonia vaccine

pneumonia vaccine

  • Diarrhoea deaths, Diarrhoea, over 2 lakh indian children killed due to pneumonia diarrhoea in 2016, Pneumonia vaccine

    Over 2 Lakh Indian Children Killed Due to Pneumonia, Diarrhoea in 2016 2018-11-10 07:45:38

    A new report released Friday said India's vaccination coverage to prevent rotavirus infection, a chief origin of serious diarrhoea in young children, was the lowest among the 15 countries which introduced earlier this year. It also pointed out that India...

    Keywords: Indian Children, Diarrhoea deaths in India, pneumonia vaccine, report

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    Pneumonia vaccine, Pneumonia vaccine, pneumonia vaccine for children also protects older adults, Pneumonia vaccine

    Pneumonia vaccine for children also protects older adults 2013-08-27 14:31:42

    Vaccination that protects children against pneumonia also seems to provide spillover protection to their grandparents and older adults, U.S. researchers say. Dr. Marie Griffin, a professor of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University, and colleagues analyzed data from 1997-2009 in a...

    Keywords: Pneumonia vaccine, Pneumonia vaccine, Pneumonia vaccine, health

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