Search Results On ron shoopman

ron shoopman

  • Indian-origin Sethuraman Panchanathan, Indian-origin Sethuraman Panchanathan, indian origin in the final lap of president ship for university of arizona, Ron shoopman

    Indian-origin in the final lap of president-ship for University of Arizona 2017-03-06 07:26:16

    Indian-origin Sethuraman “Panch”  Panchanathan, who is an expert in computer engineering and informatics is in the final lap with the leader of the world’s largest medical complex to become the next University of Arizona president. The executive vice president and chief...

    Keywords: an expert in computer engineering and informatics is in the lap with the leader of the world's largest medical complex to become the next University of Arizona president., an expert in computer engineering and informatics is in the lap with the leader of the world's largest medical complex to become the next University of Arizona president., Indian-origin Sethuraman Panchanathan, an expert in computer engineering and informatics is in the lap with the leader of the world's largest medical complex to become the next University of Arizona president.

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