Search Results On self defense

self defense

  • courses for disabled, classes for disabled in phoenix, phoenix city offers free self defense class for people with different disabilities, Self defense

    Phoenix City Offers Free Self-Defense Class For People With Different Disabilities 2018-05-10 09:15:20

    Few of Arizona’s most vulnerable people, now gets charged to fell empowered, after getting a chance to learn techniques of protecting and defending themselves.  The city of Phoenix is set to offer a self defense class, especially for four wheelchair...

    Keywords: classes for disabled in phoenix, classes for disabled in phoenix, courses for disabled, courses for disabled

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    bolton terror attack, john bolton, us nsa we support india s right to self defense, Self defense

    US NSA: We Support India’s Right To Self Defense 2019-02-16 04:53:25

    United States National Security Adviser John Bolton and Secretary of State came out to support India in combating terrorism. They both expressed condolences and offered full support in tackling menace of terrorism. According to reports US National security Adviser John...

    Keywords: jammu and kashmir, united states on terror attack, bolton terror attack, john bolton to doval

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    Nirbhaya gangrape case, Nirbhaya gangrape case, bhavani self defense tool for woman, Self defense

    ‘Bhavani’-self- defense tool for woman 2015-03-09 08:58:31

    ‘Bhavani’, a device which looks like a baton and can be easily carried in a handbag will act as protective shield for woman against a suspicious person. This portable self –defense device which is all set to hit the market...

    Keywords: Nirbhaya gangrape case, a device for self defense against suspicious, Nirbhaya’s parent, Nirbhaya gangrape case

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    Nartanasala telugu movie review, Nartanasala telugu movie review, nartanasala movie review rating story cast and crew, Self defense

    @Nartanasala Movie Review, Rating, Story, Cast and Crew 2018-08-30 10:30:48

    Nartanasala is all about Shaurya (Naga Shaurya) who has been raised like a girl from his childhood by his father Kalamandir Kalyan (Sivaji Raja) who dreams of having a daughter. He will face the consequences after Shaurya grows up. Bonding...

    Keywords: Nartanasala telugu movie review, Nartanasala movie story, Nartanasala review, Nartanasala movie rating

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    self defense for girls, HELP NGO, nri teen in bid to empower girls in india, Self defense

    NRI Teen in Bid to Empower Girls in India 2018-12-27 06:26:23

    An Indian-American teenage girl, who is on a visit to India, is making efforts to make India a safe country for girls. The girls need not feel weak and worry when they were confronted by anti-social elements, said Spoorthi, a...

    Keywords: Empower and Excel ngo, self defense for girls, self-defense for girls in India, self-defense for girls in India

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