Be summer-ready like these stars 2013-08-21 11:46:48
Ever wondered how, even in sweltering summer days, our celebs manage to look so flawless and fresh? It's really really unfair that while we sweat and melt, frizz and tan, these celebs step out looking smokey hot. So what is...
Keywords: summer skincare, make up tips, summer skincare, summer skincare
Read MoreSunburn Survival and Skin Nourishment tips 2015-05-09 11:50:11
Summer is really hurting time for most of the girls and women as they easily victimized with redness, peeling, blisters, and just plain pain. These effects will make the skin dull and uneasy. To get relief from sunburn, you can...
Keywords: Peeling problems of skin, Peeling problems of skin, Sunburns and remedies, Blisters and relaxation
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