Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam 2017-06-15 12:53:46
This month Balaji Abhishekam and Vishnu Sahasranama Parayanam will be on June 18th, Sunday from 10:30 to 12:30pm - includes abhishekam at 10:30, VS chanting at 11:30 followed by Aarathi and Maha Prasad.
Keywords: Arizona Current Events, Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam in Ekta Mandir, Arizona Upcoming Events, Arizona Current Events
Read MoreVishnu Sahasranamam 2013-09-19 11:45:27
The Vishnusahasranama (Sanskrit Vishnusahasranama, a tatpurusha compound translating literally to "the thousand names of Vishnu") is a list of 1,000 names (sahasranama) of Vishnu, one of the main forms of God in Hinduism and the personal supreme God for Vaishnavas...
Keywords: lord vishnu sahasranama., lord vishnu, Vishnu Sahasranamam, list of 1000 names of Vishnu
Read MoreGuru Purnima Celebrations - Shridi Sai Baba Temple 2019-06-26 04:42:33
06:30 AM Kaakada Aarathi07:00 AM Mangala Snanam12:00 PM Madhyan Aarathi06:00 PM Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam06:30 PM Dhoop Aarathi07:00 PM Shirdi Sai Bhajans09:00 PM Shej AarathiWe are making incremental progress in our New temple construction fundraising Donations made to the temple may...
Keywords: Arizona Events, Guru Purnima Celebrations in Shirdi Saibaba Temple Arizona, Guru Purnima Celebrations in Shirdi Saibaba Temple Arizona, AZ Event
Read MoreVaikunda Ekadashi Celebrations 2017-12-18 06:48:29
Vaikunda Ekadashi Celebrations 08:00 AM- Suprabhata Seva08:30 AM- Aradhana09:00 AM- Vaikunda dwara puja and darshan09:30 AM- Asta Dravya Abhishekam to Lord Venkateshawara swami with chanting of SriVishnu Sahasranamam01:00 PM- Garuda Seva01:30 PM- Maha Harathi and prasadam
Keywords: Vaikunda Ekadashi Celebrations in Maha Ganapati Temple, AZ Event, Vaikunda Ekadashi Celebrations in Maha Ganapati Temple, Events in Arizona
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