(Image source from: youtube.com)
‘OM’ is recognized as the most divine, peaceful, empowering and a positive sound whose vibration has the ability to influence one’s mind, body and actions most optimistically. In the Hindu culture, Om is chanted as it is or it comes before the name of another form(Om Namah Shivaya or Om as it is).
The power of ‘OM’ travels through the cosmos and its power cannot be witnessed through the naked eye but felt in your mind and body. The meaning of ‘OM’ is the ‘Supreme Lord’. The Lord here is our own ‘true-self’. In other words, it is an act of realization.
This ancient sound ‘Om’ is an art of connecting with your emotional, physical and mental self. If Om were to benefit only the body independently, it wouldn’t happen successfully as the mind that works and instructs the body.
By chanting Om, your mind experiences the magic. It transfers this message to the body and you tend to feel active. When both your mind and body are in alignment, emotions sail through.
How To Chant Om?
(Image source from: samarth.community)
Chanting OM is a great way to kick-start your day. Generally, the mind is fresh and as good as a new box that’s ready to grab in good things and pass on healthy signs to the body. That said, take a look at how to chant OM.
1. Have a good shower before you sit to chant OM.
2. Cross your legs and sit up with your back straight.
3. Close your eyes.
4. Place your hands on the knees.
5. Join the thumb and index finger on both your hands. Ensure to spread out the fingers that are not joined.
6. Straighten your hands and keep your eyes closed.
7. Slowly start to say ‘OM’ - making a circle with your lips, say ‘O’ for a few seconds from the bottom of your heart and say ‘mm) in the end.
8. For about 20 minutes, keep reciting the spiritual word ‘OM’.
9. While chanting Om, pay attention to the sound and your breathing.
10. After chanting, before opening your eyes, rub both your palms, place it on the eyelids and slowly open your eyes.
Benefits Of Chanting OM - Health, Mental Emotional
The biggest wealth is that of being healthy. Interestingly, chanting OM shows its profound impacts on the body. See how!
No 1 - Strengthens Spinal Cord
The spinal cord is an integral aspect of our body that enables smooth movement. Spinal injuries can directly affect the nerves and other health problems continue. Therefore, one way to keep your spine strong and to that of keeping your nerves healthy, sit on the floor with your back straight, close your eyes and chant OM with all divinity.
No 2 - Pushes Out Toxins In The Body
Toxins are formed due to food not getting digested in your body and remaining in the digestive tract. This generally happens when you eat stale food when you overeat and stick to processed foods. Therefore, by saying OM 20 times a day, oxygen passes through the blood and blood circulation becomes easier and helps with detoxifying everything unnecessary in the body.
No 3 - Stress Exits Your Mind
When overthinking, worrying, getting angry and dwelling on negative emotions exceeds a certain limit, it stresses a person out. By reciting ‘OM’ you tend to forget what stress means and every form of negativity disappears from the mind. Finally, you get to be the most peaceful.
No 4 - Happiness Is At Your Doorstep
Most of us depend on things and actions to feel happy. While it is partially true that we need to do good in life to feel happy, there is another way of looking at happiness and it is that of feeling it by doing nothing, that invisible happiness comes from chanting OM.
No 5 - Takes You Close To Your Spiritual Goals
Spirituality is a simple yet deep manner of perceiving and living life. Meditating on the OM Mantra would help you achieve all your spiritual goals. For instance, if your spiritual goal is to realize the truth about life or practice how to focus on every minute rather than the past or future, chanting takes you close and helps you find your path.
Take Away
Spiritually, mentally and emotionally, chanting OM can positively change your life. If that’s in finding a cure to back pain, calming an unstable mind or finding the real meaning to happiness, you can achieve it all.
Keep chanting ‘OM’ and lead a peaceful, healthy, happy and prosperous life!
By Neha Makhija