Google Doodle added more life to the Earth Day 2013 with its interactive animation replacing its logo. The newest doodle has a complete day's life in the wild captured with seasons, fauna, flora and even seasons recorded.
The day begins with the sun to the east. Clicking it will set the day and the doodle in motion. As the day progresses, the sun moves to the west and sets down while bringing up the crescent moon to mark the night. Seasons pass as the cycles complete. Interestingly, the doodle is very intricate with the moon changing phases with different days.
Spring shows blooming flowers, mountain tops snowing. Summer follows with bright days and a cold winter. Fish in the pond are full of life. The pond gets frozen too. Discover the rest for yourself with our checklist. Have you seen it all?
Here is a history of all the Google Doodles since 2001 for Earth Day.
(AW- Anil)