(Image source from: Apple Watch Guided Tours - Explains You Everything!)
Apple has launched the Apple Watch Guided Tours webpage for explaining the features and vibrancy of the iWatch. The virtual tutorials are worthy enough to attract the targeted users. The videos covered the promising features of the Apple Watch that can be expected.
The video clip, which is designed to exhibit the astonishing interaction with others through messages, gestures, voice inputs, and digital crown spins, discloses the attractive ways of using the device.
The digital watch enables the users to express the views, and arts. Pressing the side button just below the Digital Crown brings up a radial menu of friends from anywhere in the operating system. From there, users can choose to make a call, send a text or communicate via Digital Touch, the latter of which transmits drawings, haptic taps and even heart rate readings translated into haptic pulses.
The overall explanation of the watch gives the experience of using various gadgets together with love. The weather conditions, calendar events, messages, calls, emotions, heart pulses, and more can certainly encourages the customers to have an iWatch.
Per-orders will begin on April 10th, while the users can physically enjoy watch experience from April 24th. The users planning to buy can enjoy the experience of using at Apple stores from April 10 during 15-minute appointment.
Source: Apple Insider