(Image source from: Condoms are a boon for vagina — Find how?)
Sinus problems are one of those annoying issues that we can easily do away with. A blocked nose causes immense discomfort, keeping us from truly paying attention to whatever it is that we are doing. To keep the pesky sinus problem at bay, here are a few tips.
One remedy for all illnesses is to take is easy and lie down for a bit. However, a blocked nose is simply not reason enough to put off important work. Hence, learn to relax as you go about our work. Keep it light and sleep early for that day.
For someone with a sinus problem, fluids are necessary to maintain optimal moisture levels. Ensure plenty of liquids, which also include fruit and vegetable juices that are rich in nutrients. One effective fix is Chicken soup, which has been the most popular solution for colds since ages past.
To ease up on the discomfort, opt for lemon tea or green tea instead of regular tea. Best of all, add a teaspoon of honey to juice from half a lemon, mix in warm water. Taking this concoction offers you a good base to fight microbes and viruses in the long run, as honey is an antiseptic and lemon gives you Vitamin C.
AW: Sruthi