Valentine’s Day 2019: Tips to Committed/Single Girls to celebrate the Day
February 12, 2019 17:39
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Valentine’s day is around the corner and we can feel your enthusiasm to make your man feel special on the day.
Here we are with some amazing gift ideas for him to make this valentines day unforgettable.
Handmade Card
Grab some glitter sheets, craft items, a pair of scissors, glue and start making some beautiful handmade card for him on this valentine’s day. Though it takes time, it will worth it.
Cook for Him
Plan a beautiful night for both of you on the terrace and cook his favorite food. Take time to bake his favorite cookies or cake. He will go to like it.
Gift Him His Favorite
Buy his favorite PlayStation game or branded watch, as per his personality. Gift him a token of love. Let him feel that you pay attention to his wishes.
Plan for a Trip
Plan a trip to his favorite destination, where you both can spend time together. Otherwise, you can propose him once again to make valentines day 2018 never to be forgotten.
Dinner Date
Ask him to be your valentine. Have dinner at his favorite restaurant. Pay the bills for the night. Men love independent women.
Valentine’s Tips for Single Girls
Girl Night out
Get your amazing cute dress from your closet and rock the party with your girl buddies. Why get bored on this valentine… Have fun !!!
Date with Best Friend
Go on date with your best friend. Being a valentine doesn't mean he will become your boyfriend, it simply means he is someone special and valentine's day 2018 is the day to celebrate with someone special.
You can go shopping and grab some beautiful things, treat yourself on valentines day. Shopping is all the time the best remedy for all sorrows.
Pajama Party
If you are lazy, don't worry plan pajama party with your friends at home on Valentines' night with some drinks and bites.
Blind Date
If you are ready to experiment you can go out for a blind date with a stranger. Hope you will find the love of your life.
-Sowmya Sangam