Nandamuri Balakrishna turned out to be the talk of the Telugu speaking states with the film Gautamiputra Satakarni which marks his 100th film as an actor. Directed by Krish, this periodic drama is said to be the costliest film in the actor’s career. The trailer and the songs have been well accepted by the audience which have been released through a lavish audio release event. Shriya Saran is the female lead and Hema Malini, Kabir Bedi will be seen in other crucial roles.
With the new trend of pre-release events happening before the film’s release, Balakrishna is all set for Shatavahana Pathakotsavam through which the Satavahana Flags will be hoisted across the selected theatres in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, Balakrishna, Krish and Sai Korrapati will hoist the first flag in Jyothi Theatre, Vizag on January 8th at 5:40 PM while the Nandamuri fans will take the lead at other selected theatres. Balakrishna will interact with his fans during the event and the movie is said to wrap up the censor formalities tomorrow. Produced by First Frame Entertainments, Gautamiputra Satakarni will hit the screens on January 12th all over.