The Arizona state Board of Education approved a slate of new education standards, which includes the cursive requirement in schools. The move has been taken in its push to revise national guidelines known as Common Core.
According to the new norms, the new K-12 math and language arts learning standards will take effect in fall 2018.
The state Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas said that, the newly adopted requirements, known as Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards, are based on Common Core standards with revisions designed to clarify expectations and give teachers and school boards more flexibility.
Douglas said that, “We now have new standards that have been worked on by Arizona teachers, parents and been vetted by anti-Common Core experts.” Douglas campaigned on a promise to replace the nationally-developed guidelines.
“This is a proud day for Arizona. Has everything changed? No. Should everything have changed? No,” Douglas said.
Democratic State Senator and school board member Martin Quezada, said that, “I don’t think we repealed the Common Core. That will be what Superintendent Douglas will sell to the public. What she did do is a responsible approach in looking at it and making revisions where necessary, and those revisions were made.”
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