Adele Torrington had no idea when she entered the lab at Benchmark Elementary with her fifth grade classmates, she absolutely had no idea that a surprise was coming on her way.
A presentation by Google officials ended with the unveiling of her artwork called “Dream, Rise and Touch the Sky,” the fifth grade girl’s entry in Google’s Doodle 4 competition, was the sole winner of the state. The Google’s contest took entries from students in kinder garden through 12th grade.
The piece of art now moves on to the nationals with a chance to be featured on the search engine and a $30,000 college scholarship. Torrington’s school could receive a $50,000 grant.
Torrington said “Floating islands are supposed to be a magical, futuristic place, where all about war and hunger and things like that -- all of it has gone and left on earth."
She also said "We’ve kind of risen up against our differences and our problems. That’s what it’s supposed to mean. I thought in the future there's not going to be any of that.”
The people of Arizona you can help Torrington become one of the five finalists by voting for her at doodles.google.com.
Voting has already begun and you can vote till March 6th. On 31st March Google will announce the national winner.
This is the 2nd time a student from the Benchmark Elementary school has represented the state in the Doodle 4 Google Competition.
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