US President Donald Trump finally broke his silence on the Kansas hate crime in which an Indian techie was killed, he said “America stands united in condemning hate and evil in all its forms,” While addressing the joint session of US Congress.
Trump also mentioned the threats targeting the Jewish Community Centers and vandalizing of Jewish cemeteries. He said, “these incidents reminds us that while we may be a nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all its forms.”
Trump in his maiden address to the US Congress, heeded to the call being made by a host of Indian-American organizations and lawmakers to publicly condemn the fatal Kansas shooting, which is being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as a hate crime.
32-year-old Srinivas Kuchibhotla was killed and Madasani, an another Indian of the same age was injured, when a navy veteran Adam Puinton opened fire at them, while yelling “terrorist" and "get out of my country"
The US President also said he will continue to tighten immigration rules.
Trump said that they are going to move away from lower-skilled immigration and adopt a merit-based system. By finally enforcing immigration laws, we will raise wages, he said. This will help the unemployed and save billions of dollars and make our communities safer, he added.
In his speech, Trump also vowed to destroy Islamic terrorists, but struck a minor conciliatory note, when he said that the United States will seek the help of its Muslim allies in doing so.
Donald Trump’s administration is taking strong measures to protect the nation from radical Islamic terrorism. “ISIS kills Muslims, Christians, people from all faiths. We vow to destroy ISIS with the help of our allies, including in the Muslim world, he said.
Trump once again mentioned about building the wall on the US-Mexican border, he vowed to build and called it "great, great wall."
"We will soon begin the construction of a great, great wall along our southern border,"he said.
United States should treat India with respect