The civil rights leaders have slammed Gov.Ducey over removal of confederate monuments in Arizona. They also mentioned that the governor is trying to have “both ways” when it comes to issue of race.
The renewed push, came after the violent rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. They want governor to react to the controversy over the confederate monuments, and use his power to take them off from state property.
“These monuments of terror, these monuments of hatred must come down”, said Rev.Reginald Walton, the pastor for Phillips Memorial Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. “They have no place in our society at the best, they belong to a museum”.
“Governor Ducey has to take a strong stances here in Arizona, to let Arizonans know he will not tolerate any harmful acts”, said Roy Tatem, president of East Valley NAACP.
Gov.Ducey convicted the hate groups on Monday,like the ones that had marched in Charlottesville, but when asked about the monuments, he said that it was not his desire or mission to tear down any monuments or memorials, and pointed out that there is a public process for removing monuments.
However leaders want governor to start the process.
“We would like for Gov.Ducey to take the lead, and open up the doors and call a meeting”, said Tatem.
There are a total of 6 monuments in Arizona public lands.
1. Greenwood Memory lawn Mortuary& Cemetery (Phoenix).
2. Wesley Bolin Memorial Park (Phoenix).
3. Southern Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery (Sierra Vista).
4. Picacho Peak State park (Picacho).
5. Dragoon Spring.
6. U.S. 60 at Peralta Road (Apache Junction).
By A.s