Even though the Monday’s solar eclipse is going to be the most watched eclipse in history, some schools are not allowing their kids to watch the eclipse outside citing the safety reasons.
The eclipse will be observed between 9 am to noon and some schools in few districts are banning it closing outdoor lunch, recess, and physical training during the time.
A Scottsdale Unified School District, in its statement said that although eclipse is an incredible educational opportunity, it also “raises concerns about safety”.
It has added further that scientists have already suggested against watching the eclipse without special glasses for eclipse and said that dark glasses are also not capable in providing enough protection.
Due to the eclipse, almost two-third of the Arizona’s sun will be covered at the peak time of the eclipse, which will occur at around 10.33 am. Experts have already suggested not to look at the eclipse with a naked eye as it can injure the eyes heavily.
According to the experts, the safest way to watch the eclipse is buying the eclipse glasses of ISO certification of 12312-2, which is helpful in blocking the infrared as well as ultraviolet rays.
You can even watch the eclipse with the help of binoculars or telescope as long as solar filter is attached to it.