(Image source from: redmond-reporter.com)
With the raging lack of inefficiency on the government’s part in charging the accused officers and arresting them, protestors have come out on the streets in Minneapolis and other states in the US to charge for the justice for the murder of George Floyd.
US President Donald Trump reported that he vowed to end the ongoing violent protests across the country and in front of the White House saying that he would deploy military if the state governors and the authorities failed to do the same.
During President Trump’s speech in the Rose Garden of the White House, some of the live television images showed the police firing tear gas on the protestors to dispel the protestors from the Lafayette Park, right across the street.
“Mayors and governors must establish an overwhelming law enforcement presence until the violence has been quelled,” said Trump.
He further added saying that if a city or a state refuses to take the necessary actions to defend the life and property of their citizens, they he is likely going to deploy military to take care of the rest and bring back the peace from the ongoing protests.
The protestors, who are conveniently peaceful during the day and turning violent during the night, started their outpouring following the death of George Floyd and the acts of police brutality against the Black community.
The second autopsy that was demanded by Floyd’s family was released on Monday and reported that the death was a case of homicide by “mechanical asphyxiation” which means that the persistent pressure on the neck cut out the oxygen supply to the brain, resulting in Floyd’s death.
The county autopsy reports further added to it saying that the cause of the death was because of the cardiopulmonary including arteriosclerotic and hypertensive heart disease arrest while being held captive by the police along with some of the interference of the drugs in the body including fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine use.
“You have to dominate. If you don’t dominate, you’re wasting your time — they’re going to run over you, you’re going to look like a bunch of jerks,” said Trump to the reporters at Reuters over a private call.
With the instructions from President Trump, the National Guard troops were stationed near the White House early Monday morning.
Dozens of cities across the United States are under strict curfews because of the ongoing protests. The riots that have broken out have not been this big since the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
One person was even killed amidst the protests in Louisville, Kentucky where the police and the National Guard troops have been firing to disperse the crowd. The unrest began just as the country was gearing up to ease the lockdown restrictions following the decline in the Coronavirus cases.
The accused White officer who committed the murder of George Floyd, Derek Chauvin, has been taken into custody and accused with third degree murder and second degree manslaughter charges. The rest of the three officers have been fired from their job but no further action has been taken against them.
Just this Monday, dozens of people came out outside Cup Foods where the incident happened to pay tributes to Floyd’s memories. The visitors left flowers and signs honoring Floyd.
Protestors reported that Floyd’s death was the last pin to the coffin of the outcry of the racism in law enforcement and the heightened rate of police brutality that results in the deaths of Black Americans in the country.
The murder of Floyd further reignited the racial divide the African Americans face on a daily basis in the country.
The US Justice Department has directed the Bureau of Prisons to even send riot control teams to Miami and Washington DC to help control the protests that have been propelling around.
Some of the department investigators are also interviewing people arrested during the protests who are also at risks of facing quite a hit of the federal charges for the offenses that they have committed around.
Many of the cities that have been affected by the unrest are further allowing reopening of some of the businesses following the two months of the stay at home orders because of the pandemic.
Trump had condemned Floyd’s death, saying that necessary steps would be taken for justice but later went on to classify the protestors as “thugs”. The critics have persistently accused the Republican president for the lack of justice and for stoking the protests in the first place.
The democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, even met with some of the black community leaders in a church assuring them that they would create a police oversight board within the first 100 days in case he gets elected to the White House.
By Somapika Dutta