Biden stuck outside the White House Post Inauguration and here’s why:
January 23, 2021 12:39
(Image source from:
Despite the grand inauguration ceremony, the Bidens had an awkward moment post ceremony. They were left to wait outside the White House as a result of a final “petty” act by Trump Administration.
Last Wednesday, Joe Biden was inaugurated as the 46th president of the United States. The couple was given a military escort to their new home, the White House.
On arrival, they were waiting for a couple of minutes before the door was opened. According to a media source, Trump send his butlers home during the inauguration so that when the Bidens arrived, there would be no one to open the door. Fans and citizens around the country are calling this act petty.
Usually, the door is ready to be opened by Marine guards but this time there was a delay. Notably, the chief usher who was scheduled to visit the Bidens at the White House was fired five hours after the incident.
The chief usher is responsible for the management at the White House. He oversees residence staff and other factors including maintenance, remodeling, food, administrative fiscal and personnel functions.
Some sources also report that he left the building before the Bidens arrived. The couple was filmed waiting and embracing the cold before the door opened. Eventually the doors swung open to welcome the President and his family. Although the blunder lasted a few minutes, it did not go unnoticed to the media and public in Washington.
It is a tradition that the previous President greet the new President. However, Trump and his family were not there to greet Joe Biden and his family.
When media sources asked Trump about the incident, who made no comment to any source.
By Meena Atmakuri