According to your broad objective, in consultation with a dietician, you can come up with the duration and frequency of your customised detox diet.
Mono detox diet
This diet focuses on eating only one fruit for a duration of a week or whatever is decided by your dietician.
Eating only one kind of fruit reduces the amount of work needed by the body for digestion. This way the body can concentrate on repairing its internal system.
This is an easier alternative for those who worry about going without food for long periods. This is just one food type, but its still food.
The most common fruits that are consumed are either grapes or apples. They supply organic water that bathes the body’s cells allowing them to cleanse themselves. It is easier for organic water to enter and exit the cells, facilitating the inward flow of nourishment and the outward flow of waste materials.
It also aids in maintaining the pH balance and sugar levels in your bloodstream.
Try it after: An entire party season filled with junk food and rich, fatty and delicious Christmas dinners
Raw food diet
The philosophy behind this diet is that food should be eaten in its most natural form-- raw.
Avoid all cooked food that degrade nutrients and processed food containing additives.
Eating foods in raw form preserves constituents, such as vitamins, fibre, organic forms of essential minerals, and chlorophyll that benefit and strengthen the immune system.
Foods like poultry beef and eggs cannot be eaten raw and should be avoided completely. Instead, focus on fresh fruits, vegetables and good quality fish
Consume nuts to maintain protein levels and drink lots of water and juices to stay hydrated.
This diet is easy on your digestive system because it consists of unprocessed food and it also cleans your liver.
Try it after: Nights of drinking copious amounts of alcohol that leave you never wanting more.
Juice fast detox diet
This diet involves consuming fresh juices from fruits and/or vegetables. They have to be freshly squeezed and not pre-packaged.
The juices supply fresh enzymes that promote the cleansing process.
Higher nutritional support of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes help in rejuvenating the body. The body assimilates the juices directly, without further producing digestive enzymes.
With the kind of lifestyle we have, our body tends to be toxic if you ingest too much red meat, processed foods or drink polluted water. Most juices have alkalinising properties helping to restore the acid-alkaline balance needed for the smooth functioning of body.
An added side benefit with this diet is that it helps you shed the extra kilos with ease. It also strengthens the immune system while flushing out the toxins.
Try it after: You’ve packed on the holiday kilos and feel sick from eating and drinking in excess.
source : idiva