Athlete’s foot is one of the common problem which causes itchy feet and various other conditions. Trying out some of the important home remedies might help you in preventing the condition. Some of the best home remedies for athlete’s foot are provided below.
●Tea tree oil
Soaking your feet in the water along with few drops of tea tree oil for around 10 minutes helps in removing all the fungus from the feet.
●Neem oil
Neem oil is also one of the natural remedy to clean up all the fungus on your feet. You can apply some neem oil with the help of a cotton ball.
●Oregano oil
Oregano helps in countering various harmful organisms on the body. However, it is important to use a fresh oregano leaves to make oil.
●Baking soda and cornstarch
Sprinkling some baking soda along with cornstarch before putting socks in the morning can also help in preventing the development of fungus.
Applying ginger simmered in the boiling water for few minutes also helps in getting rid of fungus.
●Apple cider vinegar and Himalayan crystal salt
Mix some apple cider vinegar and himalayan crystal salt in the warm water and soak your feet in it to get rid of athlete’s foot.
●Colloidal silver
Another important natural remedy which is helpful in getting rid of athlete’s foot is colloidal silver. It is helpful due to its important antifungal properties.